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Monday, May 30, 2011

The last Blog :)

     The World Fair was created to celebrate the 400 year anniversary of when Columbus discovered America. For Chicago, however, it was much bigger, it was a chance for them to prove what they could do and how much they were worth, and how they could contribute to their country. They wanted to redeem themselves and prove that the city may have been destroyed by the Chicago Fire, but the people, dedication, and heart still remained.     
      Three fast, and busy years went by and the end product was The White City, the vision of the twentieth century. The fair provided guests a chance to see new inventions that nobody had ever dreamed of. They brought in inventions as a way to top the Eiffel Tower in Paris because they needed a way to compete with it without building a tower that tops Eiffel because that would take little creative thinking.
     The Fair brought in a new way for people to preceive cities. Most would picture dirty streets, graffiti, fog, and they'd imagine police sirens going off in every directions. However, after the fair and seeing how Chicago was changed from the fair and all the new buildings, they saw how beautiful cities can be if changed and were looked after. Cities were now thought of as "A commonplace to new ideas of architectual beauty and nobility." Most buildings and structures all had something unique about them that provided more diversity to the city, which would then appeal to a more diverse population. Chicagoans took pride in the magnificent fair, it was an outstanding accomplishment that drew in 26 million visitors. The fair made it obvious that America was truely a competitor in the world in multiple ways, now including art. Not only did it speak to the world, but it spoke to the country expressing that Chicago is right up there with New York. It meant a lot to the City of Chicago being able to pull off an event this large. The fair demonstrated how strong and powerful Chicago and America both are. The fair may have seemed rushed when it came to the construction and such, but it came to America at a perfect time in a way. it provided Ameicans with work when it was wel needed, and it also proved determination. When the fair seemed impossible, Chicago refused to give up, they kept on keeping on. The world fair had multiple purposes, one was to top the World Fair that had been held in Paris, this showed competitiveness and arrogance. Trying to be better than someone or something shows confidence and shows that they are willing to go to any extremity to achieve their goal. Arrogance resides in any real human, it gives us confidence and lets us dream big. It helps us believe in ourselves, makes us want to excell at what we are good at and improve our strengths and weaknesses. Witht he help of arrogance, the White city was able to be created in such a short time period, but still of good quality and quantity. The cost of the fair was enourmous, however the constructors felt perfectly fine spending this much money because in the end, they knew it would be perfect, although the economy at the time wasn't doing well.
     Not all huge events contribute a hidden dark parallel. The White City wasn't why a serial killer started his acts of killing, it just made it easier for him to get away with it all. Without the fair, holmes would have found a way to kill, the fair just helped him do it. Holmes took advantage of what the fair brought to the city, women, a lot of women, who he killed. But the fair had nothing to do with his need to kill.    

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