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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Sun Also Rises

     Romero is introduced in "The Sun Also Rises" nearly halway through the book. The text describes Pedro Romero as "dignified", they also state that he is "a real one". Romero seems to be put on a pedestal and he is looked at as an amazing person, one with, "greace under pressure". Romero took on almost an angelic role in the story, it seemed as if nothing he did could be considered wrong in the slightest. However, most people in the book would agree that Pedro "[Would] never be frightened." A hero is, "
a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. " Romero demonstrated all the qualities a hero exhibits while in the ring bull fighting.
     As an author, Hemingway typically describes heroism in a masculine way. However, in this novel, he takes rugged bull and paints a romantic image of it. The hero of the story, Romero, is unexpected simply because he achieved greatness when not many people believed in him only because he was a newer addition to the sport of bull fighting, however in the end people weren't surprised at what he had done, they actually were amazed they didn't see his potential earlier.
     In an appealing view to women, Romero has everything a girl could want. He was a well rounded man, many girls would describe him as a "prince charming" type of guy, who also are often considered to be heroes. This type of hero was what made Brett fall for him. He had many of the qualities of the three men Brett had in the palm of her hand. He was a tough guy like Cohn, he had culture like Michael. Although Jake had great qualities, he lacked one thing that was very important to Brett, sexuality. Romero had that. Brett saw Romero as her "knight in shining armor".
     Romero proves his heroic quality of facing obstacles head-on when he keeps getting told that what he has with Brett wont last simply because of her past relationships with other men. Instead of having his feelings for her be swayed by the words of others, he deal with it head on and decides to experience it for himself. He is a strong and bold man who is willing to do whatever it is he wants even at his own expence.
    Like modern day heroes, Romero confronts death often in his profession. He faces fear everytime he goes out to do what he loves to do, but he faces fear with the curage and strength of a true hero. Romero never loses his self-control, not even around Brett who often makes men go crazy when she walks in the room. When compared to the other men in the book, who are also older than Romero, he seems to be the mature one. The other men are getting in fights and having stupid little arguments over a girl, everything they do is acting out of jealousy.    
     Modern day heroes are very much like romero in the sense that they are looked up to by nearly everyone, even people older than them. Romero was only 19 years old and he had people that were quite a few years older than him admiring his work. The aficionados that watched him adored him for his graceful skill working the bull. This is just like in contemporary society, children look up to famous athletes who have achieved greatness and who have many accomplishments to claim, aswell as actors, actresses, singers, any type of career for that matter.
     Romero was a hero in many ways, people looked up to him for all his success in bullfighting, but also he was a hero in the sense that he gave people insight on a different style of life. He had major influence on people and he was a respectable, pure, innocent, brave, strong man. People wanted to be like him, which was a great thing.